Student Spotlight: Madeleine McCreary

Madeleine McCreary

Lab: Human Neuromechanics Lab

Degree: Undergraduate

Hometown: Tarpon Spring, FL

Research focus: The effects of stroboscopic visual perturbations on standing balance. By developing more accessible fall-prevention paradigms, they can be utilized by a larger proportion of the population. Stroboscopic goggles can be used safely at home, so the first step is determining whether they are effective at challenging standing balance.

Fun fact: I’m the Women’s Epee captain of the UF Fencing Club

What motivates you? The impact my research has for improving quality of life and reducing fall risk in older adults. The support of my family also motivates me– I wouldn’t be where I am today without their constant love and support.

What attracted you to UF BME? The notable faculty members and the breadth of UF BME’s research. I knew that I’d be able to find a lab that aligns with my interests and gain research skills that prepare me for graduate school. While in UF BME I’ve met so many incredible people and I absolutely adore the community I’ve found here.

What I love about Gainesville: I love all of the greenery in Gainesville, there’s so many great spots for zero elevation hikes. While I miss the sunsets at home, the ones at Paynes Prairie are pretty stunning.

Motivational Quote: “Don’t rush a minute of your life. It goes too fast.” – Bruce Capin

Honors and awards:

  • BME Undergraduate Student Excellence Award, 2023
  • Outstanding Gator Engineering Four-Year Scholar Award, 2024
  • UF ASB 3-Minute Thesis Runner-Up Best Undergraduate Presentation , 2023