
Social Events

Upcoming Socials

Throughout the year, GRiP offers and organizes a variety of socials and events to provide more ways for members to interact and get involved. We aim to make our socials fun and engaging for any members who would like to attend. GRiP is always eager for new ideas, so if you have any suggestions for a social, please contact the Secretary at, and maybe your idea will be implemented next! We are committed to making our socials as accessible as possible. Keep an eye out on our Facebook and Instagram for announcements about upcoming events, and please contact the Secretary if you need accessibility accommodations.

Past Socials

Some socials that we hold include game nights and sports socials. This diversity of options helps to allow GRiP members of all different ability levels to have fun. Our gaming nights can get a little competitive but are always fun! Sports socials are a great way to be active and involved. This has included basketball and volleyball. We have also taken trips to Lake Wauberg, a UF-owned lake that is available for student use.