Schmidt Lab at BMES 2016

The Schmidt Lab was represented at the BMES 2016 annual meeting in Minneapolis by graduate student Chris Lacko, who gave a terrific presentation on his collaborative work with Dr. Rinaldi’s lab on magnetic particle templating of hydrogels for nerve repair:

Lacko, C. [speaker], S. Porvasnik, M. Wall*, A. Garcia, C. Rinaldi, C.E. Schmidt. “Three-Dimensionally Templated Hydrogels for Peripheral Nerve Injury Repair. Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, October 5-8, 2016.

In addition, Dr. Becky Wachs attended the meeting as well (in addition to Dr. Schmidt, of course). We met with former members of the Schmidt Lab, including Dr. Chase Cornelison, who is now a postdoc in Dr. Jenny Munson’s lab at the University of Virginia (Dr. Munson was the 2016 Rita Schaffer Award recipient!). We also were able to visit with former PhD student, Dr. Stephanie Seidlits, who did her postdoc with Dr. Lonnie Shea and who is now an Assistant Professor of BME at UCLA.

BMES was an amazing experience, as usual. UF BME was well represented at BMES. For more photos and information on UF BME at BMES 2016, see:

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